Sunday, November 7, 2010

New clay pot bins for waste disposal

This is the Waste disposal system which we are using in our home. The first picture shows the three clay pot jars fixed as per the specification. The instruments put on the upper side are liquid for pouring inside the bin with the help of the sprayer. The other item is for helping us to mix  the waste with the lotion. The second picture shows that the waste put in the bin. This is very useful in a home. Finally the waste we put in the bin can be used as a manure for our plants after a period of three to five months. The item was supplied to us by CREDAI, Kochi, as part of their clean city movement, through our residence association, KATTITHAR ROAD PAURA SAMITHI, IN MARADU PANCHAYATH.   

New beginning of Soothsayer - Octopus Paul-II

Octopus Paul II, successor to the tentacled tipster that wowed the world with his uncanny knack of correctly predicting World Cup football games, swims in his acquarium as he is presented to the media, at the Sea Life acquarium in Oberhausen, Western Germany.

Life ends on the road

This is the picture of a tortoise whose life ends on a road in Alappuzha District. The Tortoise while trying to cross the road on 6th November 2010, night, a vehicle run over the tortoise by crushing the strong shell and finally , ends life. Next day upto 10 AM, nobody who passes through the road didn't take any interest to remove the body of the tortoise from the middle portion of the road. On seeing the same we immediately removed the tortoise from the road and filled the body with mud collected from the road side.
 This kind of attitude of the people who passes through the road upto 10 AM, by not removing the body of the tortoise from the road, should be changed.